With the sheer volume of latest technical BIM glossary and keywords being employed, the typical industry employee may be forgiven for rambling by the jargon. In addition to that in mind, the subsequent may be a list of the 20 need-to-know BIM glossary and their definitions. The use of this BIM glossary can solely become a lot of prevailing as BIM furthermore gains momentum in US-based and international projects.

BIM Glossary
BIM Glossary

The BIM Glossary

  1. 4D, 5D & 6D BIM

First, there was the 2D CAD, and then 3D CAD. Currently, there are further dimensions to discuss with the linking of the BIM model with time, cost and schedule-related data associated with 4D, 5D, and 6D BIM respectively.

  1. Asset Information Model (AIM) & Project Information Model (PIM)

There not only exists ‘Building’ information model but also there is the ‘Asset’ information model. It correspondingly supplements the information required to help within the running of the finished quality. Furthermore, note that ‘asset’ talks to engineering and infrastructure.

The ‘Project Information Model’ is the design and construction stage, i.e., ordinarily referred to as the project among the design team.

  1. BIM Execution Plan (BEP)

PAS 1192-2 proposes that a BIM Execution set up forms to manage the delivery of the project. This successively is split into a ‘pre-contract’ BEP, in response to the Employer’s data needs (in different words, love ‘contractor’s proposals’ during a style & Build contract) and a ‘post-contract’ BEP that sets out the contractile delivery details.

  1. CIC BIM Protocol

CIC BIM protocol is a supplementary legal agreement for the construction and contractor purchasers to utilize it. It’s incorporated into skilled services appointments associated construction contracts – a change to plain terms, making new rights and obligations for the leader and also the contractile party to facilitate cooperative operating, whereas safeguarding holding possession and liability differentiation between those concerned.

  1. Clash Detection

Referred to in PAS 1192-2, spatial coordination processes use the native format model file for clash detection. The accustomed clash between Building Information Models is made ready by entirely different disciplines. The critical profit is in reducing errors, and therefore prices, pre-construction commencement.

  1. Common Data Environment (CDE)

This is a central data repository which accessed by all stakeholders during a project. While all the info at intervals the CDE obtains freely, the conceiver continues to preserve the possession. Cloud storage may be a widespread technique of providing a CDE, though it might even be a project extranet. The scope and needs for a CDE are outlined in PAS 1192-2.

  1. Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie)

COBie may be a knowledge schema delivered during a computer program data formatting. It contains a ‘subset’ of the information within the building model for FM relinquishing. Over the course of a project, information may be added to that from a variety of sources (besides CAD programs), concerning temporary, design, construction, operation, improvisation or demolition.

  1. Data Drop

A critical data delivery stage, named within the BIM business operating cluster’s Strategy Paper for the govt. Construction shopper Group, and additionally the CIC BIM Protocol. PAS1192-2 refers instead to data delivery and information exchange. These match simple project stages come into the RIBA set up of labor 2013, however, created electronically. Level 2 compliance needs these to be to the COBie commonplace.

  1. Data Exchange Specification

A specification for electronic file formats that are used for the exchange of digital knowledge between entirely different BIM code applications, moreover facilitating ability. PAS 1192-2 outlines data exchange activities.

  1. Federated Model

This is a combined that Building Information Model compiles entirely different models into one. As an example, an associate designer will import a structural engineer’s model knowledge into their spatial model. This can be the idea of the United Kingdom government’s Level two BIM mandate, whereas Level three can end in all stakeholders acting on one shared model (‘integrated’).

  1. Government Soft Landings (GSL)

The UK government initiated relinquishment protocol to champion higher outcomes for designed assets throughout the design and construction stages. Its objective is to scale back prices (capital and running) and improve the performance of quality delivery as well as operation and BIM assists it. Two notable aspects are:

  • BIM is meant to be used progressively as a knowledge management tool to contour the known briefing method
  • A post-occupancy analysis is applied, to live and optimize the performance of the quality, and learn lessons for the long run.
  1. Industry Foundation Class (IFC)

IFC is an object-based format, to alter exchange of knowledge between entirely different codes. Developed by ‘buildingSMART,’ a worldwide alliance specializing in open standards for BIM, UN agency is an officer ordinary, SB ISO 16739, and contains geometric as well as different knowledge.

  1. Information Delivery Model

To make BIM useful, data has to be:

  • made accessible once it’s required and
  • to a satisfactory quality

The concerned person achieves this with the help of the Information Delivery Manual, furthermore identifying the different construction processes. ISO 29481-1 specifies a strategy for the format of the IDM.

IDM additionally forms one a part of the BuildingSMART ability model, the other two components being the information wordbook (mapping different terms for common elements) and UN agency. Note that this is often on the far side the scope of Level 2 of necessities.

  1. Information Manager

The CIC BIM Protocol refers to provide for the appointment of an ‘Information Manager’ by the leader. This is, in essence, a project manager, UN agency is to blame for managing the delivery of the quality mistreatment BIM procedures and strategies. This forms a part of a broader set of duties below current appointment and performed either by the Design Lead or the Project Lead.

  1. Level 0 BIM, Level 1 BIM, Level 2 BIM, Level 3 BIM

It is the move to ‘full’ cooperative operation via distinct and identifiable milestones, within the type of levels. Outlined inside a variety from zero to three, there’s some discussion concerned with the precise means of every level, the broad idea is:

Level 0

Level 0 is no collaboration, but 2D CAD drafting solely. Output and distribution are via paper or electronic prints, or a combination of each.

Level 1

A mixture of the 3D CAD for idea work and 2D for the drafting of legal approval documentation and production data is Level 1. For the CAD standards managed to SB 1192:2007, a common data environment (CDE) electronically shares the information, typically managed by the contractor. There’s no collaboration between entirely different disciplines – everyone publishes and maintains its knowledge.

Level 2

Collaborative operating – all parties use their 3D CAD models. Any organization shares its design data through a standard file format, which allows them to be ready to mix that information on their own to hold out interrogative checks thereon. Therefore any CAD code that every party used should be capable of commercialism to a standard file format. The UK government sets an operation strategy in 2016 as a minimum target for all public-sector work.

Level 3

It consists of operation between all disciplines by employing a single, shared project model that controlled in a very common information setting. All parties will access and modify that very same model, removing the final layer of risk for conflicting data.

  1. Level of Detail (LoD) & Level of Information (LoI)

‘Level of definition’ is outlined in PAS 1192-2 because the “collective term used for and as well as ‘level if model detail’ and therefore the ‘level of information  detail.’” ‘Level of model detail’ is that the description of the graphical content on models at every one of the stages outlined, as an example, within the CIC scope of services. The ‘level of model information’ is that the description of the non-graphical content in models at every one of those stages. SB 8541 defines the level of detail for BIM objects as:

  • Schematic
  • Concept
  • Defined

Level of Information determines what quantity a construction organization needs at each stage – i.e., whether or not spatial, performance, standard, skill, certification, etc.

  1. Life-Cycle Assessment

Life-cycle assessment (LCA, additionally called life-cycle analysis) may be a cradle-to-grave environmental impact assessment for designed assets, regarding materials and energy. The energy and materials used, together with waste and pollutants made as a consequence of a product or activity, are quantified over the entire life cycle; the result representing an environmental load of that quality. ISO 14040 defines LCA methodology.

  1. Open BIM

Open BIM is an initiative of many leading code vendors use the buildingSMART Information Model, which includes knowledge to ISO 16739 (via the UN agency file format), terms to ISO 12006-3 (using the International Framework for Dictionaries, that maps completely different technical words that have an equivalent meaning) and method to ISO 29481-1 (the data Delivery Manual; see above).

  1. PAS 1192

The PAS 1192 framework sets out the necessities for the amount of model detail (the graphical content), model data (non-graphical content, like specification data), model definition (its meaning) and model data exchanges:

  • PAS 1192-2 deals with the development (CAPEX) part, and specifies the necessities for Level a pair of maturity; sets out the framework, roles & responsibilities for cooperative BIM working; builds on the present normal of SB 1192, and expands the scope of the Common knowledge setting (see above).
  • PAS 1192-3 deals with the operational (OPEX) part, engrossment on use & maintenance of the quality data Model (see above), for Facilities Management.
  • BS 1192-4 documents best follow for the implementation of COBie.
  • PAS 1192-5 may be a specification for security-minded building data modeling, digitally designed environments, and prudent quality management.

The following documents, which can type a part of the framework, area unit presently in production:

  • PAS 1192-6 – a specification for cooperative sharing and use of structured health and safety data mistreatment BIM. Due Sep 2017.
  • PAS 1192-7 – Construction product data – Specification for outlining, sharing and maintaining structured digital construction product data. Due late 2017.
  1. Uniclass

Classification system utilized in the UK that teams objects into numerical headers to permit things to be organized or sorted per a sort or category applied throughout the quality life and should be used as a part of the categorization utilized in BIM models.

Uniclass 1997 tables area unit documented by PAS1192-2.

The classification classes are:

  • Complexes or collections of buildings – like a university field or associate airdrome
  • Entities that comprise individual structures
  • Activities participating inside entirely different components of these buildings
  • Spaces or rooms
  • Elements like walls, floors, and ceilings
  • Systems, as an example door and window systems, or wall lining systems
  • Products like sheet materials, or fixings.

Uniclass is a lot of subtle than the Common Arrangement of Works Sections (CAWS), in that:

  • It encompasses the complete life cycle of a designed quality
  • Will cater for assets of any scale, therefore may be used for also developing as design and construction
  • It will accommodate infrastructure and engineering comes, additionally to buildings


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is gaining momentum with the executive agency business.

Governments like those of the UK, Germany, and Chile are starting to need BIM for public comes. This momentum makes it more and more doubtless that your next project, whether or not within the United States or elsewhere, would require you to become BIM-compliant.

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