What is BREEAM?

BREEAM or Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method employed to master plan projects, infrastructure and buildings. Establish additional concerning BREEAM as well as what it measures, its edges, quality and sure future developments.

Source: On Greening (BREEAM)
Source: On Greening (BREEAM)

First published by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in 1990, it is the world’s longest established methodology to assess, rate, and certify buildings. BRE has a record of 250,000 BREEAM-certified buildings and over 1,000,000 registered for certification – in more than 50 countries worldwide. The certification additionally incorporates a tool that focuses on neighborhood development.


The work on this certification system began at the Building Research Establishment (based in Watford, England, UK) in 1988. They launched the first version for assessing new workplace buildings in 1990. After this, they launched the versions for alternative constructions together with superstores, industrial units, and existing offices.

In 1998 a significant revamp of the BREEAM Offices customary, and also the scheme’s layout took place, the establishment of options like coefficient for various property problems took place. The event of BREEAM then accelerated with annual updates and variations for alternative building sorts like retail premises introduced.

A version of BREEAM for brand new homes known as EcoHomes was launched in 2000. This theme was later used as basis of the Code for Sustainable Homes developed by BRE for the UK Government in 2006/7. In 2014, the govt. in the European country signaled winding down the Code for Sustainable Homes. Since then BRE has developed the Home Quality Mark that is a component of the BREEAM family of schemes.

An extensive update of all BREEAM schemes in 2008 resulted in introduction of obligatory post-construction reviews, minimum standards and innovation credits. International versions of this certification system came into existence that year.

Another update in 2011 resulted in launch of BREEAM New Construction currently to assess and certify all new UK buildings. This revision enclosed the assortment and consolidation of problems and criteria to furthermore contour the certification method. BRE lately updated the version of BREEAM UK New Construction in March 2018 at Ecobuild.

Benefits of BREEAM

Recent statistics discharged by the globe Business Council for property Development show that buildings consume four-hundredth of all energy. Though ominous, these statistics gift immediate opportunities to form good business choices that additionally incorporate environmental considerations.

Certified buildings use less energy than standard buildings, creating them considerably cheaper to run and operate, and a lot of engaging to prospective tenants and owner-occupiers. With energy costs set to extend for the predictable future, the benefits BREEAM buildings have over conventional structures is increasing.

Let’s see the best benefits of certification

Source: On Greening (BREEAM Benefits)
Source: On Greening (BREEAM Benefits)
  1. Tenant retention

Studies show that occupants UN agency have intimate operating in each standard buildings and BREEAM rated buildings have mostly prefered it. Once the benefits of living and dealing in a certified building are intimate, longer-term contracts prevail.

  1. Business productivity

Indoor environmental quality has not been a priority in ancient building style with ‘productivity’ therefore difficult to measure; productivity littered with a lot of interconnected factors influenced by the indoor atmosphere.

However, an analysis shows that the green design attributes of indoor environments that occur as results of a BREEAM assessment will drastically improve employee productivity and occupant health and well-being, leading to essential edges for businesses.

  1. Risk mitigation

There is little doubt that property measures in buildings became an integral part of the modern investor’s list and decision-making. Given all investment selections are made inside a risk management framework, addressing property problems is not entirely different from addressing alternative investment risks; BREEAM-rated buildings address the subsequent risks: Market; Technology; Physical and restrictive.

For investors, these certified buildings seem a lot of engaging, particularly once considering long-term investments.

  1. Plus worth

A healthy and productive indoor atmosphere, significantly lower operative prices and increased marketability have attributed to rental rate premiums in most ‘green’ buildings.

  1. Marketability

As investors and stakeholders become more and more attentive to the environmental and money impacts of the designed atmosphere, the inflated marketability of buildings with high property credential is a lot more evident.


BREEAM mustn’t forever be followed slavishly unless there’s a pressing compelled to reach a particular certification, for instance, to fulfill the stress of an area authority as a part of a building’s strategy. It’s invariably helpful as a framework for the creation of a property building design. The assessor should jugde every project on the basis of its merit and circumstances and aligned with the culture of the organization that may decide to call it a home.

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