
“Green Building” is the buzzing topic in the current construction industry. Eco-friendly construction is now being recognized as the future of the building industry. Enhanced competitions among green building rating system as well as clear focus on existing structures are among the trends that will undoubtedly drive sustainability through 2020. Green building may be the cheapest way to slow down global warming. The profit green building brings will extensively exceed the profits of a traditional construction system.

Globally, Green buildings are likely to continue its worldwide growth especially in most parts of Europe and North America. Many Government agencies, universities, Construction professionals implement green design ideas into their buildings. There is nothing on the horizon that will cease this phenomenon of going green.

Most of the trends revolve around energy efficiency, cloud-based energy management, as well as solar power. Let’s scroll down to know more about the remarkable phenomenon that is shaping the future of green building.

Zero-Net-Energy Buildings are on the rise

Zero-net-energy buildings (ZNEB) are booming in the current scenario. According to the survey, more than 160 ZNEBs were “net zero energy capable.”

If specific building project wants to be in the limelight, it requires implementing something new. Many developers now have begun to showcase ZNE designs to distinguish their building projects. This trend is gaining traction nowadays.

Competition among green building rating system will see a boost

Various green building rating systems will undoubtedly see a hike in coming future. In the U.S. LEED has stepped into increased competition in new construction ratings from Green Globes rating system. The Federal Government put LEED and Green Globes on equal footing for government projects. Whereas, BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is also extensively spreading its roots amongst the green building rating system.

Cloud computing will help to provide much-needed direction

Building owners and third-party service organizations effectively manage higher building remotely. They make use of software platforms which provide performance monitoring, data analytics, visualization, clash detection, energy management all using the cloud.

Cloud computing technology can be seen in a large number of new offerings in facility management as well as building service information management.

Solar Power will be revolutionary

The use of Solar Power energy will see a continuous growth because some U.S. states are expected to incorporate Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). The solar energy systems are more natural in the U.S. as well as the electric utilities implement “net metering” programs. These types of programs pay building owners for excess electricity produced at the same rate as power purchases from the local service. In the U.S. many of the electricity utilities build and control large central solar power plants which prove beneficial for the building owners.

Modern, innovative tools will further encourage building owners to use solar power. Solar power has one advantage over the other forms of energy that it is highly visible. The solar panels on the roof of a structure show that the firm is involved in renewable energy therefore supporting a greener future.

The solar electricity is likely to reach the equilibrium in the U.S. within next five-six years. The use of solar power energy is the only revolutionary growth and possible to change the scenario of design, built and operation of the buildings in coming years.

Strong Focus on Water Conservation

The present climatic situation is affecting the rainfall and water supply systems worldwide. The droughts and the coming crisis in fresh water supply brought water concerns to national attention. Enhance care about the impact of future water scarcity as well as supply and cost is making many construction professionals to consider ways to minimize water consumption in buildings. They are using various innovative water-conserving methods. The methods like grey-water recovery systems, plantation of more trees in place of lawns or investing in more efficient cooling towers will certainly help to reduce on-site water use.


Well, these are specific phenomena having a strong focus on energy efficiency, higher use of renewable energy as well as superior method of water conservation. We are pretty sure that it will form the core of green building rating and certification systems.






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