
The global technology landscape is changing faster than ever. Various trends are shaking the construction industry – as the population of the world increases by hundreds of thousands per day, owners and AEC firms must embrace new processes and technology onsite to build affordable housing, infrastructure, facilities, transportation, etc. This transformation will have transformative effects on a global level: reducing construction costs, eliminating onsite waste, mitigate rework, build projects on time, improving the use of limited materials by making the process environmentally efficient, & boosting economic growth. While a major part of the AEC sector has accepted BIM processes and its technology over the past decade, there is a pressing need to bring modern construction technology out in the field, and adopt it. 


The construction industry has great potential in terms of increasing building efficiency, productivity, and sustainability through innovative technologies, construction techniques, and worldwide digitization. BIM or Building Information Modeling can integrate various devices based on Augment Reality(AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Drones, Reality Capture, Advanced Building Materials, & Autonomous Equipment. By adopting these innovations and technologies  AEC companies can streamline procedures & project management, boost productivity, enhance project quality, and build safely. To capture the full potential requires a concentrated effort based on technology, strategy, personnel, & operations. Some of the key areas that need to be focused on are –

1. Technology & Tools

2. Operations & Processes

3. Model Innovation & Strategies

4. Global Industry Collaboration

5. Policies & Regulation

6. Material Procurement

7. Workforce Training

The whole E & C Innovation Process can be split up into various categories –

1. Productivity

2. Training & Safety

3. Labor

4. Collaboration

Prefabrication is one of the most crucial aspects of making the entire onsite process efficient, sustainable, streamlined, and safe. Prefabrication is mostly adopted for hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, etc. With all the processes and tools in place, fabrication workers can perform their tasks consistently based on a wall frame or electrical wiring.  This method allows the reduction of construction waste, promotes onsite productivity, and saves on time & cost.

Prefabrication and modular construction are two ways wherein complete modular units are built and transported to the construction site and then added to the actual structural frame. Modular construction can be entire rooms, bathrooms, kitchen cabinets, etc. that are used to build complete apartments. Whilst prefabrication covers everything from frames to wall panels, door assemblies, floor-systems, and more.

§  Software

As discussed earlier, BIM incorporates every bit of technology, devices, and software, it provides a great opportunity for owners, architects, cost managers, project managers, BIM modelers, etc. to leverage software to author 3D models, create schedules, quantity take-offs, cost-estimation, determine clashes, etc. Most of the software is cloud-based, wherein every project stakeholder can communicate & collaborate on an integrated model. Modern software can create RFI’s construction documentation, records, etc.

§  Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning can make better onsite decisions based on productivity, jobsite safety, & reduction in onsite risks. With smart sensors or tags, project stakeholders can monitor and track materials, people, equipment, etc. using smart wearables and a strong data-set. With deep-learning algorithms, autonomous systems like drones or LiDAR technology can be adopted to build an actionable data stack to monitor errors onsite.  AI also can recognize various components based on size, shape, location, etc.

§  Smart Wearables& Sensors

Smart wearables are outfitted with sensors or tags to make on-site jobs safer. The use of Geofencing devices and software like location tracking, Wifi, voltage sensors, etc. are used to monitor labor movements, respiration, heart-rate, and more. This helps construction managers keep a close-eye on onsite construction and prevent accidents before they occur.

§  Drones & Robots

Autonomous technology like drones and robots are making life simply based on the area it covers, conduct job inspections, monitor workers, takes photos for surveying, reality capture, brick lifting, etc. The application of both these devices is onsite safety.

§  Mobile Tech

Mobile apps and smartphones have made collaboration much easier. Traditional building methods involved a very fragmented system of building as processes and people worked in silos. Mobile technology enables E & C stakeholders with the ability to embrace project management, clash detection, collaboration, online meetings, etc. These integrated solutions sync various stakeholders in real-time by taking important notes, modifications in drawings, RFI responses, etc.

§  Workforce Training

Finally, one of the most important aspects of augmenting onsite performance would be onsite workforce training in modern BIM processes and the use of smartphones, tablets, or any other mobile device to make work easier, faster, and safer. Onsite training helps every project individual or team communicate with the onsite team to make things better in terms of equipment installation, location, people management, collaboration, etc.

Wrapping it up

One can only imagine what a modern job-site would look like without the adoption of technology. If it weren’t for modern processes, software, and equipment, and more, it would be a disaster wherein onsite workforce would have to drill holes, dig trenches, and more with their bare hands using shovels and axes. As the construction industry grows bigger, technology has begun to become smaller whilst delivering high-impact solutions to make onsite jobs faster, easier, and safer for all personnel.

By bimengus

BIM Engineering US is a leading Building Information Technology solution service provider offering end to end solutions in Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection systems engineering, design and construction.

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