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3D laser scanning technology is now go-to measurement tool in construction surveying. The experts around the world are shifting to the technology to improve their data collection and project outputs. One of the considerable challenges a project owner is likely to face during execution of industrial or any other construction project is surveying a massive area of construction site. The industrial, as well as civil construction projects, often include surveying of a vast and complicated site area. The traditional surveying methods are time-consuming as well as cost ineffective. As a result, the construction project faces significant delays even before the start of actual construction.

One of the fastest growing technologies in surveying is the 3D laser scanning. This article will shed some light on the need for adoption of  3D laser scanning and its different applications in a construction project. Also, the article will  highlight benefits of adopting 3D laser scanning against the traditional surveying methods.

Construction Industry Scenario

The present construction world has been slow in adopting new technologies and has not witnessed any significant transformations. As a result, the construction productivity gets hampered in most geographies. With the introduction of latest technologies in construction arena, this scenario is expected a change significantly. The changes are already taking place in the industry but not on a global scale.

Many construction industries are implementing latest technologies and systems including digital sensors, 3D printing, artificial intelligence as well as advanced software applications. One such technique emerging as the future of construction surveying is 3D Laser Scanning.

3D Laser scanning technology is widely  used by the contractors on many projects for surveying, mapping, improving project design and minimizing errors in data collection. 3D laser scanning adds value in different stages of the project life-cycle. The primary challenge is now to gain widespread adoption and proper implementation in the industry to enhance construction productivity.

What is 3D Laser Scanning?

In straightforward words, 3D Laser Scanning technology captures the dimensions of objects such as project site or buildings using the laser lights. The output from the 3D scanner will be a point cloud image that replicates a scanned object. Depending on the type of 3D laser scanners used by the surveyors, objects can be scanned from up to several hundred meters.

While scanning a large object (project site/construction site) multiple scans from different angles are captured and linked to form a point cloud image. After generating a point cloud image, the data gets exported to CAD or BIM application software for further generation of 2D CAD drawing or 3D model replica. The 3D model is useful for the architects as well as engineers for designing and delivering the project with better accuracy.

Adoption Of 3D Laser Scanning In The Construction Industry

Construction projects are of varying complexities. The nature of the project and the purpose of laser scanning tends to impact the process. For the residential and commercial buildings, the land areas to be measured are small and hence, laser scanning can be performed with fewer efforts and higher efficiency. While on the other hand, for complex buildings such as industrial facilities with complex MEP installations as well as detail architecture and engineering design, it takes more time as well as efforts for surveying and planning. Hence it is a vital task for contractors to plan for the accessibility of each space necessary for scanning.

One of the basic challenges the surveyors are facing while scanning construction sites, buildings, tunnels is the voluminous point cloud data generation after scanning. Sharing this data with architects located in different parts of the world could be a challenging task. Hence, choosing right software is need of an hour. However, most project owners are concerned about the cost, time, and accuracy; they are not pretty sure of what to do with the scanning data. Understanding and overcoming these implementation challenges helps increase the use of laser scanning technology which will help owners, as well as contractors, improve design and efficiency of the project.

Using the laser scanning technology, the time required to scan and capture the data on-site can be minimized up to 50% as compared to the traditional surveying methods. The 3D laser scanning method captures more information or data points in very less time. It also helps saving labor costs, the speed of data capture thus making easier to schedule the survey work. Post survey, data processing also requires less time.

Applications Of 3D Laser Scanning In Various Construction Sectors

Construction SectorsApplications of 3D Laser Scanning

·     The designing process and construction of roadways and bridges use 3D Laser scanning methods.

·         3D laser scanning is also useful in maintaining the tunnels, rails, ports, and harbors.

Building & Facility Renovation.       3D laser scanning technology can generate exact 3D Models of the interior and exterior of an existing building which helps in the renovation.
Off shore Oil Production Facilities·         3D laser scanning is useful validating the entire facility with the help of data. In emergency conditions like storm damage, laser scanning can be faster as well as a safer method as compared to traditional surveying methods.·         The offshore oil facilities need a higher level of dimensional control throughout their project life-cycle. The 3D laser scanning methods can  carefully manage offshore facilities to avoid future disasters.
Construction utilities & project plants·         3D laser scanning can precisely document the condition of industrial facilities that help in minimizing errors.·         3D laser scanning also helps in assisting design experts and survey professionals in determining the site conditions remotely.

Benefits of 3D Laser Scanning

As compared to traditional surveying methods, 3D Laser Scanning is expensive, but in some cases, the benefits overshadow the cost. When appropriately used, 3D laser scanning provides a greater depth of scan details thus, reduces the project execution duration. Below are few benefits of using 3D laser scanning:

  • Improves Planning & Designing

The 3D models generated by the point cloud data from 3D laser scanning helps to improve the design by analyzing clashes and errors for a new design before actual construction phase. The exact dimensions and data obtained from 3D scans help to improve design by providing precise measurements. Thus minimizes waste and reduces rework.

  • Reduces Cost And Project Schedule

According to the sources, 3D laser scanning can lower total project cost by 5-7 % and the project schedule by 10-12% on industrial projects. The scanning takes few hours to a few days depending on the size of the site  in comparison with traditional surveying methods.

  • Safety And Regulatory Compliance

3D laser scanning method is often safer than traditional surveying method. The technology is experiencing increasing adoption by global contractors. The remote surveying ability, as well as the quick data capturing capability, helps reduce the survey time.


Final Verdict

All the new innovative technologies are likely to have its potential pros as well as cons which can be a barrier to adoption of technology. 3D laser scanning is no exception. Initially, the cost of adopting the 3D laser scanning is more expensive than traditional surveying methods. So, the price would be an initial barrier to adopting 3D laser scanning technology.

Next in the queue would be the training requirement necessary to replace the existing working model. Training the employees to adopt this technology would be cost-effective as well as time-consuming. The other hurdle is of the hardware capacity to handle and process large data generated from the scans.

Despite these challenges, the contractors and surveying professionals are using 3D laser scanning technology. It helps them to achieve better cost savings and improving the design. With its abilities and effectiveness, 3D Laser scanning undoubtedly is the future of construction surveying.

Also read : 3D Laser Scanning And Point Cloud Modeling Services

By bimengus

BIM Engineering US is a leading Building Information Technology solution service provider offering end to end solutions in Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection systems engineering, design and construction.

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